LightPath Technologies -  Germanium Alternative1-25 LB

Phase Detection with Lock-in Amplifier and Phasemeter

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Thursday, September 14, 2023
Liquid Instruments

Precise and sensitive phase detections are often required for impedance and optics-based measurements. For example, measuring the phase shift between current and voltage reveals the complex impedance of a device or component. Very small displacements can be measured by the phase shift between control and measurement arms from an optical interferometer. The Lock-in Amplifier and the Phasemeter are well suited to detect the phase of a radio frequency signal. In this application note, we will introduce the working principles of these instruments and provide an instrument selection guide for different measurement scenarios.

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File: Phase_Detection_with_Lock_in_Amplifier_and_Phasemeter_Liquid_Instruments.pdf (802.05 KB)
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lock-in detectionlock-in amplifierphase measurementphase detectionphase shiftphasemeterinterferometeroptics measurementsdual-phase demodulationsoftware-defined testfpga lock-in amplifierPLLphase locked loopunwrapped phaseresearch & developmentTest & MeasurementSensors & Detectors
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