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How Accuracy Works in Conjunction with Dynamics

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Author: Detlef Kunz
Monday, January 25, 2021
BUSCH Microsystems GmbH

Achieving high accuracies during dynamic positioning poses a particular challenge for motion systems. A high-performance motion system is expected to maintain positional accuracies when in motion. However, you must also take into consideration static positioning where the standstill jitter and the jump duration represent the decisive quality criteria. In this paper we discuss why it is important that motion systems maintain high positional accuracies during all dynamic positioning, and how we at Busch Microsystem’s design and build our platforms to achieve best results during dynamic positioning.

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laser systemsmanufacturing equipment for photonic componentspositioning/vibration-isolation equipmentMaterial Processing and Additive Manufacturingprocess controlMotion Controlhigh accuracy positioning systemsdynamic positioningsub-micron accuracy
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