Stanford Research Systems - Precision DC Voltage 3-25 728x90

Compact Sub-50 fs Lasers for Time-Domain Kerr-Effect Spectroscopy

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Monday, November 25, 2024
HUBNER Photonics GmbH

Time-domain spectroscopies based on the optical Kerr effect (OKE) can provide a glimpse into the ultrafast processes that dictate fundamental properties of material and biological samples. Until recently, OKE has been limited to the laboratory due to the unavailability of compact, commercially available femtosecond lasers with sub 50 fs pulse durations. In this white paper, a commercially available fiber-based fs laser was used to verify the capability of such laser sources for OKE.

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File: Compact_Sub_50_fs_Lasers_for_Time_Domain_Kerr_Effect_Spectroscopy.pdf (514.45 KB)
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spectroscopyLasersoptical Kerr effectultrafast spectroscopytime resolved spectroscopynon linear excitationmultiphoton processesfemtosecond lasersfiber lasers
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