About This Webinar
The ability to combine incoherent laser sources without loss of performance enables development of mid-infrared (MIR) imaging systems using good-quality off-the-shelf components. As the most portable laser technology operating within the MIR, quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) offer industrial output powers around 2 to 3 W, making them good candidates for such imaging applications.
Le Guennic presents a novel technique to simultaneously combine and reshape several noncoherent laser sources to solve the issue of power scalability using QCLs, while providing excellent beam quality. The incoherent beam combiner he describes is based on the multiplane light conversion (MPLC) technique, which is tailored to be a multireflective phase element enabling optimal beam quality in terms of divergence for a given number of input beams. Le Guennic details how the QCLs and this MPLC incoherent beam combiner are used and discusses the powers involved, the combination efficiency obtained, and the measurement of output beam quality.
***This presentation premiered during the
2023 Photonics Spectra Conference. For more information on Photonics Media conferences, visit
About the presenter

Tangi Le Guennic is a project and product manager at Cailabs. He earned a master’s degree in materials science and optics and has extensive experience in R&D in developing optical sensors for aircraft systems, as well as in industrial vision project management. At Cailabs, he works on the development and commercialization of innovative optical solutions for PROTEUS (space-division multiplexing range of products) and custom applications for industries including defense, aeronautics, automotive, and biomedical. Le Guennic is also head of the customer project management team at Cailabs.