Light Matters Extra: Wilburn Bonnell, Lighting Designer - 07.2017
On this episode of Light Matters Extra, we introduce you to the Lighting Supervisor for the Williamstown Theatre Festival, in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Wilburn Bonnell is a freelance lighting designer from New York, who has spent the last 12 summers at the festival lighting up the stages for some pretty big shows. For more information on the Williamstown Theatre Festival visit
Wilburn BonnellWilliamstown Theatre FestivalLight Sourcesphotonicslighting supervisorlighting designerWestern MassachusettsplaysstageOpticsLEDsincandescent lightsincandescencePhilipstheatrical lightingeducationLiberal Artsbright lightcontrolsdimElectronic Theatre Controlsetccareerspeopleentertainment lighting companiesBusinesslight bulbsAutum PylantLight MattersPhotonics Media‘62 Centre for Theatre and DanceWilliams College