History Comes Alive with Century-Old Zeiss Microscope - LIGHT MATTERS 08.26.2016
History has come to life at Zeiss, with the acquisition of a 166-year old simple microscope that engineers say was very likely designed and built by pioneering legend Carl Zeiss himself. Also on this month’s show, we examine California Institute of Technology’s work with directed self-assembly of DNA origami onto lithographically-patterned binding sites. Managing Editor Michael Wheeler previews a feature article (available exclusively on photonics.com) that examines the role of machine vision in the auto industry, and a new approach to laser ablation could ultimately foil space debris and its threat to space flight and satellite operations.
ZeissCarl Zeisssimple microscopeCalifornia Institute of Technologymachine visionlaser ablationspace debrisDNA origamilithographically-patterned binding sitesImaging