Eric Betzig, Howard Hughes Medical InstituteNobel Laureate Eric Betzig, Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA, muses over the beauty of light, lasers and Maxwell's equations.
Audrey Ellerby Bowden, Stanford University2007-2008 OSA/SPIE Congressional Fellow Audrey Ellerbee Bowden, Stanford University, USA, shares how an opportunity to touch a laser motivated her to take an inspiring dive into the field of optics.
Anthony Johnson, University of Maryland2002 OSA President and OSA Fellow Anthony M. Johnson, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, reflects on his early career beginnings at Bell Laboratories and the opportunity to work with...
Amy Eskilson, Inrad OpticsOSA Board Member Amy Eskilson, president and CEO of Inrad Optics, USA, talks about the excitement she feels being so close to a gold mine of scientific discoveries.
Amber Young, Sandia National LaboratoriesAmber L. Young, Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico, USA, shares how her love of optics allows her to support national security and be a teacher to a future generation of scientists.
Adam Wax, Duke UniversityAdam Wax, Duke University, North Carolina, USA, discusses what inspires his work within the field of Biomedical Optics.
An Introduction to Precision OpticalA complete history of Precision Optical is presented along with products and services offered.
Photonics Buyers' Guide 2016The Photonics Buyers' Guide has been the most trusted reference source for the photonics industry for over 60 years. A single media buy gets you VIP treatment in all editions - print, online and...
Sacher Lasertechnik at Laser World of Photonics Munich 2015Sacher Lasertechnik at Laser World of Photonics Munich 2015
Crystalline Mirror Solutions: Redefining Precision Laser OpticsCrystalline Mirror Solutions (CMS) manufactures high-performance laser optics utilizing a proprietary "crystalline coating" process that enables single-crystal semiconductor multilayers to be...