Check out the New iTL Gateway!Introducing our latest innovation at MoviTHERM! Join Dave Bursell and Todd Faulkner as they unveil our cutting-edge thermal monitoring solution, the iTL Gateway. Connect infrared cameras and gateways...
All-in-One Cobot Laser Welding & Cleaning SystemLooking to introduce automation into your shop but want to avoid the expensive and complex integration? The LightWELD Cobot System is a turnkey solution comprised of an industrial base with the...
Iridian Spectral TechnologiesIridian's highly advanced technology is used in telecom, spectroscopic instrumentation and lasers, and biophotonics, micro-optics, and aerospace applications. The #1 choice for OEM manufacturers.
iX Cameras High-Speed CamerasThe i-SPEED 7 Series featuring the AST sensor (Advanced Sensor Technology) boasts an unparalleled combination of features to complement the market-leading performance specifications. These models...
Laser S.O.S. Ltd. Company Video7/30/2024
UM Optics is the Biggest Fluoride Crystal Material and Optics Supplier in ChinaUM Optics is the biggest fluoride crystal material and optics supplier in China. We supply CaF2 , BaF2 , MgF2 , LiF material covering the VUV to IR spectrum. We can also deliver cut blanks, polished...
Hyperion Optics 30“ CommercialHyperion Optics is a leading optics supplier of photonics products including optical components, lens systems and opto-mechanical assemblies in UV, Visible, NIR, SWIR applications. Our clients...
Heidenhain TNC7: Enter a New LevelHEIDENHAIN is giving machine manufacturers and experts at the machine new capabilities that are intuitive, task-focused, and customizable. As the next level in CNC control, the TNC7 supports the user...
Automated M-squared Measurements at 1550 nm with DataRay's WinCamD-QD-1550 Beam ProfilerIn this video, we demonstrate an automated M-squared measurement of a 1550 nm source using DataRay's new WinCamD-QD-1550 quantum dot beam profiler and M2DU-50-WCD 50 mm translation stage.
Virtual Tour Through Delta Optical Thin Film A/S' New FacilityGet a glimpse behind the scenes of modern optical thin-film filter production.