Freeform Computer-Generated Hologram (CGH) Metrology DemoIn this video, we explore how an AOM CGH (computer-generated hologram) coupled with our metrology platform enables testing for a freeform optic. The metrology platform provides a mount for a test...
The Almighty Soliton — With Andrea Blanco-RedondoAs an endowed professor at The University of Central Florida College of Optics and Photonics (UCF CREOL), Andrea Blanco-Redondo focuses on some of the most exciting topics in photonics research....
OPTOMAN Beats Dr. DamageApplication-optimized laser optics produced by OPTOMAN help to beat laser challenges, like damaged optics, dispersion control or degradation.
Inside Silicon Photonics — With Mario PanicciaSilicon photonics’ evolution from application shrouded in uncertainty to discipline harboring vast application potential has commanded the attention of those in and beyond the fields of optics and...
Elevating Confocal Imaging: ZIVA Light Engine for Yokogawa CSU - Lumencor Inc.Yokogawa CSU is the life sciences' leading confocal scanner. Its wide FOV, imaging clarity, and facile automation set the bar for best-in-class spinning disk performance. Yet traditional laser...
FIREFLY3D Laser Scan Head for LPBF Applications - NovantaFIREFLY3D is Novanta’s next generation 3-axis scan head designed for Laser Powder Based Fusion (LPBF) machines in additive manufacturing applications. The FIREFLY3D is an enclosed, compact solution...
Thermal Imaging and AI: Introducing HADAR — With Zubin JacobZubin Jacob, Purdue University Elmore Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, discusses the convergence of thermal imaging and artificial intelligence. The recently developed heat-assisted...
Designing for Manufacturability with Fluorides and Other High Expansion Materials - LaCroix Precision OpticsAs the demand for fluorides and other high expansion materials increases, it is important to understand the risks/challenges involved with these materials and how they affect various factors such as...
Precision Aspheres: Manufacturing and Metrology - LaCroix Precision OpticsAspheres have allowed optical designers to create systems and products that push the limitations of performance across several fields. In this presentation, we will explain the various processes...
Specifying Optical Coatings - LaCroix Precision OpticsOptical coatings modify the reflectance, transmittance, and absorptive properties of optic substrates to make them much more efficient and functional. From an optical manufacturer's perspective,...