Photonics Media Featured Product Submissions
Please use the form below to submit your featured product/service entry. If you have any questions, please email
[email protected].
Where is your product being featured?
What technology does this product primarily fit under? (Please choose one)
Describe your product:
Headline/product name (34 characters max):
Body text (300 words max) - this will appear on for site visitors looking for products:
- What are the key features of your product/service?
- Why is it news worthy or innovative?
- What problems does it solve?
- What are the photonics applications and/or markets served?
Short summary (~40 words/300 characters with spaces -
Note: Do not use bulleted lists in this summary field.):
This short summary will appear if the product is featured in a newsletter. We reserve the right to edit for space, if necessary. If no short summary is supplied, we will use the beginning of the full body text.
Keywords (10 to 20, separated by commas):
Upload a photo:
- Resolution must be 72 or 96dpi
- File format must be PNG, JPG, or GIF (no animation)
- Image format must be RGB or indexed
Note: File must be smaller than 10MB
Problems uploading? E-mail your photo to
[email protected] and reference the company and product name.
Provide contact information:
Where should readers go for more information about this product?
* Company name:
* Published e-mail:
* Published product web link/URL:
Who should our editors contact if we have questions?
* Your name:
* Your e-mail:
* Your phone:
Comments/additional instructions:
When you submit this form, you are authorizing Photonics Media to publish this information in our publications and on our website, and to email you requests for more information from our readers and website visitors. You also agree that Photonics Media may contact you with information related to your submission, and that you have read and accept our
Privacy Policy and
Terms and Conditions of Use.
* required