Ultrafast Laser
Coherent Inc.Request Info
The Chameleon Discovery laser with total power control from Coherent Inc. is a one-box turnkey laser for multiphoton excitation microscopy to include built-in, high-speed power modulation.
The new functionality provides modulation on both the tunable femtosecond output and high-power fixed output. Real-time power modulation enables optimization of laser
power for the depth of each image plane and fast flyback beam blanking when unidirectional
raster scanning is required.
The laser provides fast rise-time analog and digital control of laser power, which may be synchronized with the microscope scanning optics. The Chameleon Discovery now includes an expanded tuning range, which, when coupled with a frequency doubler, ensures gap-free wavelength coverage from 330 to 1320 nm.
Published: December 2017
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