UV Crosslinker
Spectronics Corp., SpectrolineRequest Info
A UV crosslinker from Spectronics Corp. enables identification and analysis of trace amounts of DNA and RNA with greater sensitivity, accuracy and speed than conventional analysis.
The Select XLE-Series features five 8-W tubes and is available in 254-, 312- and 365-nm versions.
It covalently binds nucleic acids to membranes in under 30 s, 240 times faster than vacuum-oven baking. Monitoring circuitry safeguards test results from washouts, even as the tubes age.
The instrument can also be used for UV sterilization and dosage applications, as well as to eliminate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) contamination, nick ethidium-bromide-stained DNA in agarose gels, map genes for creating cleavage-inhibiting thymine dimers and screen RecA mutation in E. coli.
Published: February 2015
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