Thin-Film Metrology System
Rudolph Technologies Inc.Request Info
Rudolph Technologies Inc. has released the S3000SX thin-film metrology system for transparent films in semiconductor fabrication applications at the 28-nm node and below.
The 405-nm system, which can be tailored to specific process requirements, uses proprietary focused-beam ellipsometry (FBE) and small-site measurement optics to measure the thickness of single-layer and multilayer films on product wafers as small as 30 × 30 µm. The instrument is compatible with silicon on insulators, thin films and SiGe. The FBE uses three laser sources operating at different wavelengths to measure film thicknesses without the need for complicated dispersion models. The laser’s stability and accuracy enable matching between systems, and its long lifetime minimizes downtime for maintenance.
Scaling to the 2x and 1x nodes introduces novel materials, thinner multilayer film stacks, and fast, accurate on-product metrology, the company said. Metrology options include deep-UV reflectometry, wafer stress and bow measurements, and next-generation airborne molecular contaminant control.
Published: May 2013
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