Submillimeter Optical Lenses
Bern Optics Inc.Request Info
For use in analytical and medical instrumentation applications, Bern Optics Inc. has announced the availability of submillimeter optical lenses as small as 0.20 mm. These precision lenses can be ground and polished in a variety of difficult configurations, including planoconvex, planoconcave, bi-concave, bi-convex, and positive and negative meniscus.
Created from optical and filter glasses, these microscopic elements – some as small as a grain of salt – can be produced with spherical and cylindrical radii with submillimeter curvatures and diameters. They are used in endoscopic medical devices and in other optical instrumentation that requires precision and high quality.
The company also can cement doublets (achromats) and triplets, providing highly accurate alignment. The centration of each element is verified before and after cementing.
Custom designed antireflection coatings can be provided on all lenses.
Published: June 2010
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