Silicon Polarizing Beamsplitter Cubes
Research Electro-Optics Inc. (REO)Request Info
REO has introduced a line of silicon polarizing beamsplitter cubes for operation in the mid-infrared spectral range. The optics offer a mix of 2- to 6-µm-bandwidth operation, a high laser damage threshold, transmission of >95% and an extinction ratio of >100,000:1. The extinction ratio can be extended to >1,000,000:1 over narrower spectral ranges. The polarizing beamsplitter cubes are available in sizes from 1 to 75 mm.
The laser damage threshold is limited only by the bulk material and is typically in the 1.5-J/cm2 range for a 75-ns pulse at 2.05 µm, achieved through the use of ion-beam-sputtered (IBS) coatings, together with assembly based on proprietary Activated Covalent Bonding (ACB) technology. ACB eliminates all organics or glues from the beam path, avoiding internal optical absorption. It produces a stronger bond than any adhesive and delivers lower transmitted wavefront distortion.
The combination of IBS coating and ACB assembly results in good environmental stability, enabling operation over a wide temperature and humidity range, without any shift in spectral response. It makes the cubes mechanically durable and insensitive to shock, vibration and high g forces. The optics are suitable for use in cryogenic environments and in industrial, military and space-borne applications.
The polarizing beamsplitter cubes are intended for use with mid-infrared coherent sources such as optical parametric oscillators and optical isolation for fiber and quantum cascade lasers. They are suited to applications in IR countermeasures, remote sensing, and industrial gas detection and analysis.
Published: April 2012
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