Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arms
EPSON America Inc., EPSON RobotsRequest Info
LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., June 20, 2022 —
The GX4 and GX8 Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA) Robots from Epson America Inc. are high-density models for the medical device and electronics industries.
The robots offer high throughput and smooth motion control. They provide multiple arm configurations, with 250- to 350-mm reach for the GX4 and a 450- to 650-mm reach with the GX8, and payloads of 4 kg and 8 kg, respectively. They can achieve ultrahigh precision in assembly, pick-and-place, and intricate small-parts handling processes. Both robots have batteryless encoders, built-in Ethernet cables, and other advanced features to support a low cost of ownership.
Published: June 2022
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