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Pyrocam III Camera

MKS Ophir, Light & MeasurementRequest Info
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LOGAN, Utah, Oct. 20, 2010 — Manufactured by Ophir-Spiricon Inc., the Pyrocam III is a solid-state array camera with a 1000:1 linear dynamic range for accurate profiling. It creates clear and illuminating images of a laser beam profile, displayed in 2- or 3-D views.

It measures the beam profile of both pulsed and continuous-wave lasers and can be used for measuring terahertz lasers and sources. Because the LiTa03 pyroelectric crystal mounted with indium bumps to a solid-state readout multiplexer is an integrating sensor, pulses from femtoseconds to 12.8 ms can be measured. The pyroelectric crystal only measures changes in intensity, so it is relatively immune to ambient temperature changes.

The camera’s sensitivity for terahertz sources is ~300 mW/cm2 at full output. With a signal-to-noise ratio of 1000, beams of 30 mW/cm2 are readily visible. With the proprietary and patented Ultracal baseline setting, multiple frames can be summed to pull a signal out of the noise. Summing 256 frames enables viewing of beams down to 1 to 2 mW/cm2.

The Pyrocam III can be used in the near-IR for Nd:YAG lasers at 1.06 µm and for infrared fiber optics at 1.3 and 1.55 µm. It also can be used for hydrogen fluoride/deuterium fluoride lasers near 4 µm and for optical parametric oscillators from 1 to 10 µm. It measures free-electron lasers between 10 and 3000 µm.

The camera detector array has a broadband coating that enables operation at essentially all infrared and ultraviolet laser wavelengths. Spectral ranges from 13 to 355 nm and from 1.06 to >3000 µm are available. CO2 lasers, telecom near-IR lasers and other infrared sources out to far-IR terahertz sources can be imaged.

Features include an integrated chopper for CW beams and thermal imaging, a FireWire interface, a 14-bit digitizer, Windows camera setup, interchangeable windows and BeamGage laser beam analysis software for quantitative analysis and image display. The Image Viewer function presents 3-D isometric plots, 2-D color contour plots and gray-scale views.

Instantaneous feedback enables timely correction and real-time tuning of laser parameters.

The camera can be used in scientific laboratory investigation of laser beams in physics, chemistry and electron system designs. It also is useful in product engineering of CO2 and other infrared lasers. Medical applications include analysis of excimer lasers used for eye surgery and infrared lasers used in dermatology.

Published: October 2010
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2D3-DAmericasarrayBasic ScienceBeamGagebroadband coatingcameraschopperCommunicationscontinuous-waveCWdeuterium fluorideFireWirefree-electron lasersHF/DFhydrogen fluorideImage ViewerImagingindium bumpsinfrared fiber opticsinstantaneous feedbackintegrating sensorIRlaser beam profileLiTa03Nd:YAGnear-IRNIROphir-SpiriconOPOsoptical parametric oscillatorsProductspulsedPyrocam IIIpyroelectric crystalreadout multiplexerSensors & Detectorssolid-stateterahertzTest & MeasurementUltraCalultravioletUVwindowsLasers

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