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Optical Chopper/Shutter

Electro-Optical Products Corp.
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Electro-Optical Products Corp. has introduced the SH-62, a variable low-frequency optical chopper/shutter with a blade mounted on a motor with a limited rotation angle. It is suitable for OEMs and portable systems and as a built-in for an instrument or system.

The device features an aperture diameter of 0.625 in. (16 mm) and a response time of 10 ms from an open to a closed position, or vice versa. Frequency stability is 0.1% internal clock, 0.005% with external crystal clock input.

Current in one direction sets the chopper to the open position, while in the other direction, sets it to the closed position.

Using a proprietary driver with the mode selector switch provides two types of operation: In the internal mode, the device is used as a variable low-frequency chopper. The frequency is set by an internal oscillator adjustable from 1 to 25 Hz. In the external mode, it is used as a chopper or shutter and is controlled by an external TTL signal input. A high input keeps the SH-62 open; a low input keeps it closed. Response time is 10 ms.

The chopper/shutter accepts external clock input and phase locking to an external input. It can be stopped in the on or off position and does not produce radiated electromagnetic interference. The company says that it offers jitter-free operation and withstands shock and vibration.

For more information, visit:

Published: April 2013
AmericasBiophotonicsCH-62Electro-Optical ProductsNew Productsoptical chopper/shutterOpticsProducts

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