Multichannel Spectrometers
Mightex SystemsRequest Info
Multichannel spectrometers are used to monitor or measure multiple
samples or sources simultaneously. Mightex Systems has combined advanced optical
and CCD camera technology to create compact multichannel fiber spectrometers that
feature high spectral resolution and high light throughput. At the spectrometers’
core is a flat-field imaging spectrograph. Multiple input fibers, each representing
an independent signal channel, are aligned along the input slit of the imaging spectrograph.
Spectra of each channel are dispersed by a diffraction grating and then imaged onto
a 2-D CCD sensor, with light from each channel occupying different rows on the sensor.
All channels are exposed simultaneously, then rows associated with each are binned
together to produce a spectrum for the channel. Fiber channels are spaced to eliminate
crosstalk between adjacent channels.
Published: June 2011
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