McPHERSONRequest Info
The Model 248/310 grazing incidence monochromator from McPherson Inc. makes spectral measurement around 13 nm and throughout the extreme vacuum UV and soft x-ray wavelength region.
The device is ideal for work from 10 to >1000 eV. The Model 248/310 works in diverse laboratory applications and features 1-m focal length optics in a compact Rowland circle instrument. Grazing incidence angles deliver high reflective efficiency. For direct detection of extreme vacuum UV and soft x-ray wavelengths, windowless back-illuminated CCDs are used. Sensitivity of CCDs at short wavelengths can surpass that in the visible spectral region. When gated detection is required, open microchannel plate intensifiers are available.
The device also works with point detectors and as a scanning monochromator. The slit or detectors scan along the Rowland circle. X-ray plasma diagnostics, extreme
UV optical characterization, soft x-ray metrology, and astrophysics calibration are typical applications.
Published: May 2018
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