MPX Encircled Flux Meter
Arden Photonics Ltd.Request Info
The MPX Modal Explorer provides real-time measurement of Encircled Flux. Simply connect your source and patchcord to the MPX, and it will measure their Modal Launch Conditions in real-time. Encircled Flux is now widely accepted as the preferred way to specify modal filling by IEEE, TIA and IEC. Measurement of Encircled Flux is defined in FOTP-203 – the “Modal Explorer” is the most standards-compliant measurement system available today and has been chosen by major standards labs in the USA and Europe as the basis for their critical measurements. Its compact size and solid design make it the tool of choice in cable makers, fiber optic instrument companies and VCSEL, laser and LED source makers.
In use in factories every day, major players in the industry rely on the Modal Explorer. This version of software also supports the MPX API – a new way to access data and control the MPX programmatically. This enables automated testing and incorporation of the MPX into automated test routines.
Published: April 2018
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