EURESYS - EasyLocate Analysis Library
Euresys SARequest Info
Part of the evolution of its Open eVision DeepLearning Bundle used by machine manufacturers, EasyLocate is used to locate, identify, and count objects, products or defects based on Deep Learning algorithms. In practice, EasyLocate predicts the bounding box surrounding each object or defect it has found in the image and assigns a label to each of them.
It is anticipatively trained with images where objects have been tagged with a bounding box and class label (up to 1000 different classes are possible). Numerous objects within a single image can be identified even in sub-optimal exposure conditions (angle, overlap, lighting conditions, …). EURESYS makes it easy to users to evaluate and implement its library.
First available in a free evaluation, it thereafter fits seamlessly into the user application. This new functionality is available totally free of charge to users already enjoying a EURESYS DeepLearning License and further expansions are on the drawing board for release in 2021.
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