ibidi GmbHRequest Info
The µ-Dish from ibidi GmbH is a 35-mm Bioinert, providing a solution for scientists who want to combine long-term culture and high-resolution microscopy of living spheroids or suspension cells in one single dish.
The Bioinert surface is a thin polyol hydrogel layer that is covalently bound to the ibidi Polymer Coverslip of the µ-Dish. In contrast to standard ultralow attachment coatings, Bioinert is completely nonadherent and does not allow binding of any biomolecules or cells, even in long-term experiments. With this technology, Bioinert provides a stable passivation in cell-based assays for several days or even weeks. The flat, thin-bottom material and the optical properties of the ibidi Polymer Coverslip enable high-resolution microscopy without any disruptive autofluorescence.
The ready-to-use 35-mm µ-Dish combines high optical quality with 100 percent surface passivation, ideal for users who are interested in investigating suspension cells, spheroids, and embryoid bodies.
Published: May 2018
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