Scientific fields such as atomic physics, chemistry, biology and even astronomy are inspired by the use of lasers and ultimately will benefit from the addition of electro-optical modulators.
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Are You Getting the Laser Beam You Expected
Ophir-Spiricon LLC, Photonics Request Info
BeamGage® is a state-of-the-art beam profiling system that performs extensive data acquisition and analysis of laser beam parameters, such as beam size, shape, uniformity, divergence, mode content, and expected power distribution. The newest version features a major upgrade of the computation engine to improve cycle time, responsiveness of the user interface, and enhance the ability to work with apertures and partitions.
Every laser has its limitations in terms of repetition rate and pulse characteristics, but bringing five lasers together in one system could make those limitations vanish.
AOM Reaches Unprecedented Speeds
A new acousto-optic modulator can steer laser beams at unprecedented speeds, potentially enabling finer light control for microscopy and other applications.
MIR Laser Creates High-Flux X-Ray Pulses
A team led by the Vienna University of Technology developed the new hard x-ray plasma source, which is driven by intense, sub-100-fs pulses at 3.9-µm wavelengths. The longer the wavelength, the researchers said, the higher x-ray flux, which could ultimately provide more accurate measurements and imaging in medicine and materials science.