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Understand ISO 17025 for Laser Power and Energy Measurement
Coherent is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005, the industry recognized standard that defines management and technical requirements for a calibration laboratory. Most manufacturers of laser power and energy measurement instruments calibrate their product against third party reference standards. However, only with independent accreditation can end-users have confidence in their measurements. ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation assures customers that laser manufacturers are producing calibrations to the highest standards. Updated specifications and enhanced calibration certificates provide additional clarity to uncertainty specifications, helping customers better understand the accuracy and repeatability that products can deliver.
X-ray, Optical Wave Mix Probes Atomic-Scale Light
A long-awaited technique for watching how light interacts with matter on the atomic scale was demonstrated by mixing x-ray and optical lightwaves. Vision, photosynthesis and solar cells are a few examples of the ways light changes matter, but how light makes those changes hasn't been measured on the atomic scale until now.
Quantum Effects Observed in Optomechanical System
The first direct observations of distinctly quantum optical effects - amplification and squeezing - have been recorded in an optomechanical system. The step forward points the way to low-power quantum optical devices and enhanced detection of gravitational waves, among other applications.
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