Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Despite years of development leading to robust technologies that have undergone thorough testing, commercialized instruments are having a tough time finding their way into the clinic.
NuVIEW Optical Fibers
The NuVIEW fiber family features specialty single mode and polarization maintaining fibers for the latest OCT, spectroscopy, and advanced medical imaging technologies.
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High Sensitivity Compact NIR Spectrometer
Avantes BV
This new and improved NIR spectrometer offers more sensitivity, less weight and less size. Based on a 100mm optical bench with a NA of 0.13 offering optimal balance between resolution and sensitivity.
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Enhanced Detector Capabilities
Teledyne Judson Technologies
Teledyne Judson Technologies, the leader in IR sensors design and manufacturing, is proud to offer an enhanced performance product platform based on a highly integrated lensed detector.
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High mid-infrared output power from an optical parametric oscillator teams up with novel cantilever-enhanced photoacoustic measurement technology to offer extreme sensitivity and selectivity in industrial gas analysis and monitoring.
Thales, ICFO Partner on MIR Lasers
Targeted applications for the lasers include IR spectroscopy and biomedical imaging, as well as particle acceleration, attoscience, and tabletop coherent x-ray imaging and spectroscopy.