DataRay Inc. - ISO 11146-Compliant Laser Beam Profilers
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Photonics Dictionary

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See optical spectrum; visible spectrum.
spectrum analyzer
A scanning device used to cyclically tune through a given frequency range to determine the amplitude-frequency distribution of the signals present, usually by displaying output on a chart or...
spectrum light source
A lamp that yields a nonluminous flame; used in the spectroscopic analysis of radiation emitted by a substance placed in the flame.
spectrum locus
On a chromaticity diagram, the line on which fall the chromaticities of the pure spectrum colors.
spectrum measuring instrument
A traveling microscope or an automatic microdensitometer used to measure the spectrum plate obtained in a spectrograph.
spectrum photography
The photographic recording of visible and ultraviolet spectra on an ordinary photograph.
absorption spectrum
An absorption spectrum is a graphical representation of the absorption of light by a material as a function of wavelength, frequency, or energy. It displays the specific wavelengths of light that are...
angular spectrum approach
The angular spectrum approach is a mathematical and computational technique used in the field of optics to analyze and simulate the propagation of optical waves, particularly in the context of wave...
arc spectrum
The spectrum of the light produced by vaporizing an element in an electric arc.
band spectrum
A spectrum that originates from molecules and that is composed of bands which, in turn, consist of many closely spaced lines. Band spectra are used to determine nuclear spin and statistics, and...
bright-line spectrum
An emission spectrum consisting of bright bands against a dark background.
comparison spectrum
In analysis, a reference spectrum, having predetermined wavelengths, that is used to determine the wavelengths of another spectrum through comparison of the two.
continuous spectrum
The radiation spectrum of matter found in condensed states, liquid or solid, that is continuous and not a line spectrum. The details of this spectrum are almost independent of the matter emitting the...
dark-line spectrum
A spectrum having some lines that are darker than others or that contrast against a light, continuous-spectrum background.
diffraction spectrum
In spectroscopy, the parallel bands that vary in lightness and darkness or color, and that are formed when light is diffracted by a sample.
discrete spectrum
A spectrum of component wavelengths whose values are separate from each other.
electromagnetic spectrum
The total range of wavelengths, extending from the shortest to the longest wavelength or conversely, that can be generated physically. This range of electromagnetic wavelengths extends practically...
electronic band spectrum
The bands of spectral lines representing the electronic transition in a molecule.
emission spectrum
An emission spectrum is a graphical representation or a characteristic pattern of the wavelengths or frequencies of light emitted by a source, such as an atom, molecule, or celestial object. It shows...
equal-energy spectrum
Spectrum characterized by equal energy (power, flux) per unit wavelength interval.
explosion spectrum
The light spectrum formed by an explosive reaction or by the electrical explosion of a metallic wire by a strong current.
first-order spectrum
The separate spectral lines formed by a diffraction grating that are characterized by one wavelength difference in path length between adjacent slits.
flame spectrum
The emission spectrum formed by the radiation from a sample that has been evaporated by a nonluminous flame.
interference spectrum
The spectrum produced by the interference of light provided that the source used to create the interference has a broad enough emittance to form a spectrum.
line spectrum
A spectrum formed by radiation whose energy values of the property being measured cluster about at least one discrete value, as opposed to a continuous spectrum. The actual width of the spectral line...
magnetic rotation spectrum
The absorption spectrum of an element influenced by a magnetic field in the same direction as the transmitted light, which is then exposed to the Faraday effect.
mass spectrum
A spectrum that displays the distribution in mass or in mass-to-charge ratio of ionized atoms, molecules or molecular parts. Mass spectrums are typically recorded by instruments utilized in mass...
optical power spectrum
Also known as the Wiener spectrum or the noise power spectrum, the optical power spectrum is a fundamental quantity in film-screen image quality evaluation. It is a means of describing image content...
optical spectrum
1.) Generally, the electromagnetic spectrum within the wavelength region extending from the vacuum ultraviolet at 40 nm to the far-infrared at 1 mm. 2.) The wavelength or color distribution...
output spectrum display
The direct computation of the Fourier transform of the space variant system output of an optical processor with a single spherical lens. The one-dimensional output spectrum appears along a 45°...
power spectrum equalization
A filtering method that restores a blurred image by setting its power spectrum equal to that of the original image.
primary spectrum
The first-order spectrum formed by a diffraction grating.
prismatic spectrum
The spectrum formed by a dispersing prism or a dispersing prism system.
resonance spectrum
The fluorescent emission spectrum emitted by certain substances following the irradiation of one of these substances with light that is of the same wavelengths as its fluorescence.
secondary spectrum -> secondary color
An aberration that remains after primary color is corrected. Primary color causes the back focus of a lens to vary with wavelength; for example, blue light comes to focus closer to the lens than...
visible spectrum
That region of the electromagnetic spectrum to which the retina is sensitive and by which the eye sees. It extends from about 400 to 750 nm in wavelength.
Wiener spectrum -> optical power spectrum
Also known as the Wiener spectrum or the noise power spectrum, the optical power spectrum is a fundamental quantity in film-screen image quality evaluation. It is a means of describing image content...
spectra -> optical spectrum
1.) Generally, the electromagnetic spectrum within the wavelength region extending from the vacuum ultraviolet at 40 nm to the far-infrared at 1 mm. 2.) The wavelength or color distribution...
absorption band
An absorption band is a range of wavelengths, frequencies, or energies in the electromagnetic spectrum within which a substance absorbs radiation. It appears as a dark band in a spectrum where the...
absorption lens
An absorption lens is a type of optical lens that not only focuses or diverges light but also significantly absorbs certain wavelengths of the incident light. This dual function makes it different...
absorption line
An absorption line is a dark line in a spectrum that occurs when a specific wavelength of light is absorbed by atoms or molecules in a medium (such as a gas or a solid) as light passes through it....
absorption peak
An absorption peak refers to a sharp increase or spike in the absorption of electromagnetic radiation at a particular wavelength or energy level. It is a distinctive feature in the absorption...
absorption spectroscopy
Absorption spectroscopy is a fundamental analytical technique used to study the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter. It involves measuring the absorption of light by a sample...
achromatic prism
An achromatic prism is a type of prism designed to separate white light into its component colors (spectrum) without causing chromatic aberration. Unlike regular prisms, which disperse light but also...
actinic radiation
Actinic radiation refers to electromagnetic radiation that has enough energy to induce photochemical reactions. This type of radiation is primarily in the ultraviolet (UV) range but can also include...
Actinism refers to the property of radiation, particularly light, that enables it to produce photochemical effects. This term is derived from the Greek word aktinos, meaning ray. Here are the key...
active-matrix OLED display
An active matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED) display is a type of flat-panel display technology that combines the active matrix addressing scheme with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)....
additive color process
The additive color process refers to the method of creating color by combining different wavelengths of light. This process is fundamental in various applications, particularly in: ...
advanced communication technology satellite
The advanced communication technology satellite (ACTS) was a program developed by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in the United States to demonstrate and advance satellite...
advanced tactical air reconnaissance system
An aerial reconnaissance system that can transmit, in near real time, image data recorded by IR and visual-spectrum sensors, providing day, night and foul-weather intelligence.

Photonics Dictionary

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