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Photonics Dictionary

Clear All Filters xelectron x
A charged elementary particle of an atom; the term is most commonly used in reference to the negatively charged particle called a negatron. Its mass at rest is me = 9.109558 x 10-31 kg, its charge is...
positron -> electron
A charged elementary particle of an atom; the term is most commonly used in reference to the negatively charged particle called a negatron. Its mass at rest is me = 9.109558 x 10-31 kg, its charge is...
electron band
A spectrum band that is usually found in the visible or the ultraviolet because of the electron transitions taking place within the molecules.
electron beam
A stream of electrons emitted by a single source that move in the same direction and at the same speed.
electron cyclotron maser
A maser that relies on the fact that electrons in orbital motion in high-magnetic fields will emit energy at the cyclotron frequency. The transfer of energy is from the bunching of the electrons by...
electron device
Any device in which the passage of electrons through a vacuum, gas or semiconductor is the principal means of conduction.
electron diffraction
The bending of an electron stream that occurs when the stream travels through a medium such as very thin metal foil.
electron diffraction camera
A special evacuated camera equipped with means for holding a specimen and bombarding it with a sharply focused beam of electrons. A cylindrical film is placed around the specimen to record the...
electron emission
The freeing of electrons from an electrode into the surrounding space.
electron emitter
In a cathode tube, the electrode that serves as a source for electrons.
electron filter lens
An electrostatic device that uses an electric potential barrier to allow the transmittance of electrons at or above a set level of energy while stopping the passage of those below it.
electron gun -> electron-beam gun
1. A device generally used in a cathode-ray or camera tube to emit a stream of electrons moving at uniform velocity in a straight line. It consists of an emitting cathode and an anode, with an...
electron image tube
A cathode-ray tube that increases the brightness or size of an image or forms a visible image from invisible radiation. The focal plane for the optical image is a large, light-sensitive, cold...
electron lens
An electric field produced to influence an electron stream much in the same manner that a lens affects a light beam.
electron metallurgy
That branch of metallurgy that uses electron microscopic techniques in the examination of the nature of metals.
electron micrograph
The photographic recording of images produced by the electrons from an electron microscope. The electron beam carries the images through an array of three lenses, and an enlarged electron image is...
electron microradiography
The photographic recording, and later enlarging, of very thin specimens, using an electron beam to form the image.
electron microscope
A device utilizing an electron beam for the observation and recording of submicroscopic samples with the aid of photographic emulsions or other short-wavelength sensors. With the electron microscope,...
electron mirror
An electron instrument used to reflect an electron beam totally.
electron multiplication charge-coupled device camera
An EMCCD (electron-multiplying charge-coupled device) camera is a type of scientific camera specifically designed for low-light imaging applications that require high sensitivity and fast readout...
electron multiplying CCD
A CCD device in which a solid-state electron multiplying register has been added to the end of the normal serial register. The electron multiplying register allows weak signals to be multiplied...
electron optics
The control of free electron movement through the use of electrical or magnetic fields, and use of this electron movement in research investigation of electronic diffraction phenomena, directly...
electron power tube
An electron-beam tube with power-handling capability that is essentially based on controlled electron beams. Its control and screen grids are basically in alignment.
electron probe microanalysis
An analytical technique used to determine the nature of extremely small samples by forming the x-ray spectrum of the samples through excitation by a finely focused electron beam.
electron scanning
The deflection of a beam of electrons, at regular intervals, across a cathode-ray tube screen, according to a definite pattern.
electron speckle pattern interferometry
A method for detecting vibration amplitudes analogous to image holography, except that the film emulsion is replaced by a television target.
electron spectroscopy
The theory and interpretation of spectra produced by the electron emissions of substances after their irradiation by x-rays.
electron storage ring
An advanced magnetic device used in x-ray lithography to beam x-rays onto the surface of silicon wafers used for semiconductor circuits.
electron telescope
An instrument that serves to produce an enlarged electron image on a fluorescent screen by focusing an infrared image of a distant object upon a photosensitive cathode.
electron temperature
Approximation of a system of thermal equilibrium formed by the distribution of the kinetic energies of electrons in a gas discharge to which a temperature value is frequently ascribed. The average...
electron trapping optical memory
A method of erasable optical data storage in which information is stored by visible light, then read by illumination with an infrared source that returns trapped electrons to their ground state....
electron-beam drilling
The use of a tightly focused beam of electrons to drill minute holes in substances. The drilling is accomplished by the evaporation of the material in the desired circumference by the intense heat of...
electron-beam evaporation
A method of thin-film deposition in which electrons boiled off a heated cathode are used to melt the coating material. If a multipocket crucible is used, many materials can be processed at the same...
electron-beam film scanning
The method by which photographic film is scanned by an electron beam. One technique uses the uniform light of a television screen, focused by a lens onto the processed film, as a means of creating a...
electron-beam gun
1. A device generally used in a cathode-ray or camera tube to emit a stream of electrons moving at uniform velocity in a straight line. It consists of an emitting cathode and an anode, with an...
electron-beam lithography system
An electron-beam lithography (EBL) system is a sophisticated nanofabrication tool used in the semiconductor industry and research laboratories to pattern extremely fine features with sub-micrometer...
electron-beam recording
The recording of the information contained in a modulated electron beam onto photographic or silicon resin-coated materials. A direct recording method involves the passage of the recording medium...
electron-gun system
An electron-gun system is an assembly used to generate and control a focused beam of electrons. Electron guns find applications in various fields, including cathode ray tubes (CRTs), electron...
electronic band edge
The point at which short-wavelength transmission is cut off.
electronic band spectrum
The bands of spectral lines representing the electronic transition in a molecule.
electronic flash unit
A small xenon-filled tube with metal electrodes fused into the ends. The gas flashes brilliantly when a condenser is discharged through the tube. The duration of the flash is primarily dependent upon...
electronic line scanning
A method that uses electronic means to move the scanning spot along the scanning line.
electronic photometer -> photoelectric photometer
Also known as electronic photometer. A photometer with a photocell, phototransistor or phototube for measuring the intensity of light.
electronic shutter
A mechanical shutter that has had its timing escapement replaced with an electronic timing circuit. This circuit allows a wider range of exposure times, can be more accurate, and, placed in a circuit...
electronic video recording
A term applied to the recording of video images by means of magnetic tape or disc, so that the image's record can be played back in a video format at a later time.
electronic viewfinder
A small television monitor that replaces the reflex viewfinder in a television camera.
electronic windowing
In target tracking, a technique for speeding up the image processing by removing bunches of pixels that are outside the area of interest.
electronically controlled coupling
The use of an electric field or signal to couple a lightwave from one dielectric waveguide into another dielectric waveguide.
That branch of science involved in the study and utilization of the motion, emissions and behaviors of currents of electrical energy flowing through gases, vacuums, semiconductors and conductors, not...
electronoluminescence -> cathodoluminescence
Light produced when a metal is bombarded with high-velocity electrons causing small amounts of the metal to vaporize and emit radiation. Also known as electronoluminescence.

Photonics Dictionary

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