8,726 terms
Photonics Dictionary
catoptricsCatoptrics is the field of optics concerned with the reflection of light from reflective surfaces such as mirrors. It encompasses the study and analysis of how light rays interact with these...
CATVcommunity antenna television
Cauchy formula -> dispersion formulaAll formulas that present the index of refraction as a function of a wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. Also called dispersion equation, Cauchy formula, Hartmann formula.
causticA surface that envelops a bundle of rays or bundle of normals to the wave surface. It may be observed as a hollow, luminous cusp in a turbid medium.
CAVconstant angular velocity
cavityIn a laser, the optical resonator formed by two coaxial mirrors, one totally and one partially reflective, positioned so that laser oscillations occur.
cavity dumpingA Q-switch method that can result in extreme pulse shortening.
CBEMAComputer and Business Equipment Manufacturers' Association
cBncubic boron nitride
CBRchemical, biological, radiological
CCcubic convolution
cccubic centimeters
CCDcharge-coupled device
CCD cameraA CCD camera, or charge-coupled device camera, is a type of digital camera that utilizes a CCD image sensor to capture and record images. CCD cameras are widely used in various applications,...
CCD image sensorA CCD image sensor, or charge-coupled device image sensor, is a type of electronic device used to convert optical images into electronic signals. It is a key component in digital cameras, camcorders,...
CCD -> charge-coupled deviceA charge-coupled device (CCD) is a type of electronic image sensor used in various imaging devices, including digital cameras, camcorders, and scientific instruments. It consists of an integrated...
CCDSCenter for Commercial Development of Space
CCFMcryogenic continuous-film memory
CCIRComité Consultatif International des Radiocommunications
CCITTComité Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique
CCLcontrolled commodities list
CCOcurrent-controlled oscillation
CCPcomputer-controlled polisher
CCPDcharge-coupled photodiode array
CCTcorrelated color temperature
CCTVclosed-circuit television
CDcircular dichroism; compact disc
CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory)An adaptation by Philips and Sony of their audio compact disc technology for optical disc data storage and retrieval. Current capacity of a disc is 0.5 to 0.6 gigabytes of information.
CD-ROMcompact disc read-only memory
CD/Icompact disc/interactive
CD/IA technical specification for a consumer product drawn up by Sony and Philips. CD/I combines audio, video and text recorded as interleaved channels on a disc similar to an audio compact disc. The...
CDAcesium dideuterium arsenate
CDEMcontinuous dynode electron multiplier
CDMcapacitive discharge mode
CDRHCenter for Devices and Radiological Health
CDRMcompensating digital readout multiplexer
CDScinema digital sound; conjugate direction search; correlated double sampling
CDUcontrol display unit
CDVcompressed digital video
CEIcomputer extended instruction
cell1. A single unit in a device for changing radiant energy to electrical energy or for controlling current flow in a circuit. 2. A single unit in a device whose resistance varies with radiant energy....
cell adhesionCell adhesion refers to the process by which cells interact and attach to neighboring cells or to the extracellular matrix (ECM), a network of proteins and other molecules surrounding cells. This...
cell migrationCell migration refers to the process by which cells move from one location to another within tissues or across biological barriers. This fundamental biological process is essential during various...
Celor lens -> Dogmar/Aviar lensA general-purpose lens, also known as the Celor lens, used widely in photography and commercial processing; it has the form of a triplet with a split flint element.
CEMchannel electron multiplier
cementAn adhesive used for bonding optical elements or for holding devices.
cemented doublet -> doublet1. A compound lens consisting of two elements. If there is an air space between the elements it is called an "air-spaced doublet.'' If the inner surfaces are cemented together, it is called a...
cementing surfaceThe surface of an element of a compound lens that will produce the cemented interface. The curves of this interface are called inside curves. To facilitate cementing, the two inside curves should...
Photonics Dictionary