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Photonics Spectra - August 2021
Issue Library
Digital Edition
Photonics Shapes the Worlds of Augmented and Virtual Reality
Replacing smartphones with smart glasses isn’t practical … yet. In the meantime, advancements in photonics are helping to expand the use of smart glasses in educational, medical, military, and industrial settings. According to technologists and end users, what’s needed to sustain and accelerate this growth are brighter light sources, more efficient delivery optics, and better eye-tracking...
Selecting Color Filter Glass for Life Science Applications
Optical filters are critical for selectively passing and blocking specific wavelengths in life science applications ranging from monitoring oxygen and pH levels in blood to fluorescence detection, to...
Industry-Academia Partnerships Exceed the Sum of Their Parts
When Irfan Punekar first began considering where to pursue his degree in computer engineering, he had an important item on his wish list. “I definitely wanted a school where I could get industry...
Tunable Laser Spectroscopy Achieves New Peaks
The modern world, with the ever-growing impact of technology on humanity and the environment, requires us to thoroughly understand how our civilization works and what it produces — even the invisible...
Technique Scales Up High-Volume Manufacturing of Micro-Optics
The market for smartphones, tablets, wearables, and other mobile devices continues to drive many advancements in optical sensors. More than a dozen types of sensors are being designed for...
Partnering for discovery and profit
In the lexicon of over-applied marketing jargon, somewhere in between “smarketing” and “synergy,” you’ll find the word “solutions.” It’s common parlance for marketing folks because a solution sounds more salable than a product or service. Solutions equate with answers, and answers sell. And yet, businesses cannot develop valuable solutions if they...
Lasers In Use
How a ‘Preflight’ Checklist Can Help Launch Your Laser Safety Program
Pulling useful information out of any standards or regulatory document can quickly become a challenge, and this applies even to those who assist in standards development. As the use of lasers continues to expand into applications outside of university and national laboratory settings, determining which laser safety program elements are necessary — and, more importantly, useful — can engender a...
Laser Safety
How a ‘Preflight’ Checklist Can Help Launch Your Laser Safety Program
Pulling useful information out of any standards or regulatory document can quickly become a challenge, and this applies even to those who assist in standards development. As the use of lasers continues to expand into applications outside of university and national laboratory settings, determining which laser safety program elements are necessary — and, more importantly, useful — can engender a...
Tech Pulse
Quantum Microscope Examines Cells in Unprecedented Detail
A quantum microscope developed at the University of Queensland can resolve cellular structures that would otherwise be impossible to see. The technology overcomes a significant barrier to furthering microscopy for biological imaging. According to professor Warwick Bowen, who leads the school’s Quantum Optics Laboratory, a major trend in the development of microscopes is the use of intense...
Optical Element Could Enable Pocket Telescope
A novel optical element will one day enable composite lenses and telescopes in a form factor small enough to fit in a pocket. The device, developed by Orad Reshef and Jeff Lundeen of the University...
Extremely Bright Quantum Emitter Self-Heals
A new approach to synthesizing quantum dots has significantly increased their use value, according to members of an international research collaboration. The method, called spray-synthesis, was...
Toshiba Demonstrates Breakthrough in Long-distance Quantum Communications
Toshiba’s Cambridge Research Laboratory demonstrated quantum communications over optical fibers exceeding 600 km in length. The work leverages a technique called dual-band stabilization, and it...
Study of Perovskites Uncovers New State of Matter
McGill University researchers set out to uncover the secrets of perovskite’s ability to act as a semiconductor, even with structural defects. In doing so, they have discovered what amounts to a...
Lasers Cut Waste Leakage During Reactor Decommissioning
A laser-based cutting technique is able to reduce hazardous waste leakage by up to 95%, giving it application in the decommissioning of nuclear reactors. Researchers at Lazer Zentrum Hannover (LZH)...
Technique Reveals Glass Surface Damage at the Nanolevel
A spectroscopy technique has enabled the study of nanolevel imperfections in the surface of glass. The process could lead to improvements in glass products such as electronic displays and vehicle...
3D-Printed Microlenses Correct Color Distortions in Small-Scale Images
Researchers from the University of Stuttgart used a 3D-printing process called two-photon lithography to make highly precise lenses that are just a few micrometers in size and that reduce chromatic...
Ultrasensitive Detector Enables Lidar to Look Farther
A light sensor developed by the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) and the University of Virginia is able to amplify weak signals from far away with greater accuracy than current technology,...
Ultralow-Loss Mirrors Boost Spectroscopy, Detection
Collaborators from industry and academia have demonstrated high-performance laser mirrors in the mid-infrared range that absorb fewer than 10 out of a million photons. The achievement, enabled by...
Research Reveals Surprising Behaviors of Nanoparticles
A collaboration between scientists from the University of New Mexico, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Institute of Optics (Spain) has developed a framework that enables the efficient and...
light speed
Honeywell Quantum Solutions, Cambridge Quantum Computing to Merge
Honeywell Quantum Solutions and Cambridge Quantum Computing will merge, creating a powerhouse integrated quantum computing and technology company that will offer a full suite of fully integrated quantum hardware and software solutions. In separate press releases, the companies announced that the still unnamed company, which will officially form via a combination that is expected to be complete in...
European Photonics Outstrips Global GDP Growth
According to recent figures published by deep technology research group Tematys, the European photonics industry is growing at a rate close double that of the global GDP. The industry, a new report...
SPIE Startup Challenge Highlights Innovators
Six startups were named as the winners at the SPIE Startup Challenge, receiving industry accolades and a share of $35,000 in prize money. The challenge included two tracks: health care and deep tech....
Researchers Adapt Laser Welding for 3D-Printed Parts
Researchers from the Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover and Laser Zentrum Hannover have begun work that seeks to enable laser welding of 3D-printed components. The project, titled...
Lynred SWIR Detector to Fly as Part of Copernicus Program
Lynred, the developer of IR detectors that last month was pegged to develop a SWIR linear array for the Land Surface Temperature Monitoring (LSTM) mission of the European Space Agency’s...
5-Year Search for Dark Energy Begins
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) has begun its five-year search for dark energy. The device, housed at Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, Ariz., will aim its robotic array of...
iXblue Acquires Kylia and Muquans
Photonics company iXblue has acquired optical components and instruments company Kylia and integrated quantum instruments specialist Muquans. Details of the transactions were not disclosed. Kylia,...
LASER-TEC College Profile
Central Carolina Community College
The Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) Harnett County campus has offered an associate-level degree in laser and photonics technology since 1987. More than 600 technicians have graduated and are working in the laser and photonics industries throughout the U.S. and internationally. Companies that have hired graduates include Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Coherent, Wasatch Photonics,...
Lighter Side
Blue light, red light, good night, website
Getting a good night’s sleep is critical to having a productive day. A great way to prevent a good night’s sleep is to spend the last hours of the day watching TikTok videos or playing Candy Crush. The body determines when it’s time to sleep via a number of cues, the most obvious being darkness. Staring at a light-emitting electronic screen counters these cues, and some have...
Single-Frequency Laser
The TopWave 405 from Toptica Photonics AG is a cost-efficient, single-frequency laser designed to replace gas lasers for easy, hands-off operation in lithography and holography applications. It is an ideal replacement for the Krypton ion gas lasers. The TopWave 405 provides 1-W output power at 405 nm combined with a high beam quality. Beam diameter and M² are designed to match the...
Toptica Photonics AG
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UV-VIS Spectrophotometric Detector
The Flow-UV™ UV-VIS spectrophotometric detector from Uniqsis Ltd. fits conveniently into crowded fume cupboards. The affordable, solid-state, full-spectrum device can be used for batch...
Uniqsis Ltd.
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Polarization-Dependent Loss Emulator
The Multi-Channel Benchtop Polarization Dependent Loss Emulator from OZ Optics Ltd. allows users to emulate a known polarization dependent loss (PDL) level for quantifying and studying polarization...
OZ Optics Limited
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The PICOSCALE Interferometer from SmarAct GmbH provides precise, contact-free displacement measurements. With low noise and high measurement resolution, the related sensor heads are connected...
SmarAct GmbH
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Imaging Colorimeter
Maximize precision and speed for light and display testing. The new ProMetric® I61 Imaging Colorimeter from Radiant captures millions of luminance and chromaticity values in a single full-color,...
Radiant Vision Systems, Test & Measurement
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The Newport Oriel® 77250B Series Monochromator from MKS Instruments Inc. is a manually operated 1/8-m instrument designed for general-purpose laboratory use and all basic research applications...
MKS Instruments Inc.
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Optomechanical Mounts
QuickPOZ optomechanical mounts from INO provide robust prototyping and quick, accurate setup for optical layouts. Self-positioning optomechanical mounts allow users to rapidly assemble...
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CO2 Laser
The OEM 100iX sealed CO2 laser source from Luxinar features a power range of 50 to 1000 W and a wavelength of 10.6 µm. The laser source provides higher speeds and increased productivity...
Luxinar Ltd.
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Coherent Optical Pluggables
Infinera Corp. has expanded its portfolio of open optical networking solutions with a suite of ICE-XR coherent optical pluggables designed to address point-to-point and point-to-multipoint transport...
Infinera Corp.
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MultiSpot Beam-Shaping Optics
quattroXX multi-spot beam shaping optics for high-power lasers have been announced by AdlOptica GmbH. Developed for material processing based on multi-kW lasers, the optics provide lossless...
AdlOptica Optical Systems GmbH
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CMOS Sensors
The QIS series of CMOS-based sensors from Gigajot Technology Inc. uses patented sensor architecture and pixel design to achieve low noise and enable accurate detection of individual photons of light....
Gigajot Technology Inc.
Nanopositioning Stage
The A-142 high-performance, compact nanopositioning and linear alignment stage from Physik Instrumente LP is designed with a voice coil motor and frictionless air bearing slide for repeatable motion...
PI (Physik Instrumente) LP, Motion Control, Air Bearings, Piezo Mechanics
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Low-Shrinkage Cationic Epoxy
9803 Low-Shrinkage Cationic Epoxy from Dymax Corp. is a light- and heat-curable cationic epoxy for active alignment of camera modules, optical components, lidar, and other advanced driver assistance...
Dymax, Headquarters
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HD SWIR Camera
The SenS 1280V-ST HD SWIR camera from New Imaging Technologies features a 1280 × 1024-pixel sensor at 10 μm. The camera operates with a USB 3.0 output. It is bundled with GUI –...
New Imaging Technologies (NIT)
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Laser Micromachining Platform
The microCETI™ laser micromachining platform from 3D-Micromac AG supports all laser processes in microLED display manufacturing with high throughput, high precision, and low cost of ownership...
3D-Micromac AG
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Laser Process MicroAssembly
The LPMA1000 Series from BOLD Laser Automation Inc. is a small-component, modular assembly automation platform for precision laser welding skiving and drilling. The laser-based LPMA series is...
Bold Laser Automation Inc.
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Balanced Photodetectors
The HBPR series of balanced photodetectors from FEMTO Messtechnik enable the differential measurement of optical signals with wavelengths from 320 to 1700 nm and bandwidths of up to 500 MHz. By...
Femto Messtechnik GmbH
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Uncooled IR Detector
The BXP-25E uncooled IR detector from Opto Diode Corp. is designed for fire and flame detection. The high-performance, lead selenide detector offers peak sensitivity between 3.6 and 3.8...
Opto Diode Corporation
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Fast-Steering Mirrors
Fast Steering Mirrors from CMM Optic provide precision pointing for high accuracy and low jitter. The flexure-mounted or ball-bearing systems provide a compact, high-performance solution for...
CMM Optic
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3D Printing Software
CoreTechnologie has announced Version 1.3 of its 4D_Additive software, equipped with new features to meet the increased demands of small-batch 3D printed part production. An application...
CT CoreTechnologie GmbH
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UltraLow-Light USB 2.0 Camera
The e-CAM82_USB camera from e-con Systems Inc. is a 4K ultra-low light USB 2.0 camera based on the Sony STARVIS™ IMX415 sensor. With the ability to produce high-quality color images even...
e-con Systems Inc.
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Hamamatsu Photonics Korea Completes New Factory: Week in Brief: 3/14/25
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AI-Enabled Cytometer Brings Low-Cost Cell Analysis to Point-of-Care
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Teradyne to Acquire PICs Test Solutions Provider Quantifi Photonics
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Latest Products
Frameless BLDC Motors
Nanotec Electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Heavy Duty Motorized Stages
Prior Scientific Inc.
DFB Laser Line
DAYY Photonics Corp.
Inverted Stage
Prior Scientific Inc.
Digital Microscope
Vision Engineering Inc.
Metrology Processing Software
AOM - Arizona Optical Metrology
Ribbon Cables
Linden Photonics Inc.
USB Camera
e-con Systems India Pvt. Ltd.
High-Speed CMOS Sensor
Teledyne e2v France
Image Sensor Module
Hamamatsu Corporation
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