event calendar sponsors
OPIE 2021
June 30, 2021 - July 2, 2021Yokohama, Japan
The Optronics Co. Ltd.
About this Event
January 11, 2021 UPDATE: the OPIE exhibition has been rescheduled to June 30 - July 2, 2021 as an in-person event. The conference - OPIC - will still take place April 21 - 23, but will be held virtually.
OPIE is one of the largest exhibitions in Japan specialized for the photonics industrial sector. It takes place at the end of April when a new fiscal year starts for most of companies and it has been regarded as the best opportunity for visitors to be here looking for "what's new this year"; and trend of technology related with their research, development and design activity.
It is the largest exhibition which has been held with international academic conferences on laser and photonics fields in Japan and top level scientists and engineers from university and companies visit to exchange information. OPIE stands out for the major international exhibition by cooperation with various associations for optics and photonics representing for their countries including SPIE, OSA, and CIOE.
Industry EventsOPIE 2021LasersOpticsAsia-PacificPhotonics Spectra