event calendar sponsors
3rd Conference on Laser Polishing - LaP 2018
September 12, 2018 - September 13, 2018Fraunhofer Institute for Lasertechnology ILT
Aachen, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Lasertechnology ILT
+49 241 8906 213
About this Event
The event will focus on new scientific results and the industrial use of laser polishing, which offers many advantages compared to conventional processing methods. With laser polishing, complex surfaces can be machined automatically, reproducibly and quickly. Component lifetimes can also be increased. For the first time at LaP, applications for polishing additively manufactured components made of plastic will also be presented.
3rd Conference on Laser Polishing - LaP 2018Industry EventsEuropeindustrialmanufacturingLasersBiophotonicsmeasurementOpticsmaterial processing