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Working Remotely? Dial In to a Photonics Media Webinar

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PITTSFIELD, Mass., April 1, 2020 — As the days grow longer, so does our spring webinar schedule. This spring, there will be many opportunities to learn about the latest advancements and applications in photonics while you work at home. Optics, biophotonics, machine vision, and lighting technologies are some of the areas that we’ll be covering over the next few months. Webinars are free, registration is easy, and if you register and can’t attend the webinar, you can watch the recording, which is available the day after the live event.

Here is a list of upcoming webinars, with links to the registration form for each one. Webinars are presented by well-respected experts in the field. Most presenters have advanced degrees, many are members of SPIE and OSA, and all of them have a depth of experience in their field.

Getting Specific About Coating Specifications — NACL’s director of business development, Dan Fiore, will provide expert guidance on how to specify, test, and confirm that your optical coating needs are clearly stated and conveyed, and he will answer some of your most challenging coating questions.
April 15 at 1 p.m. EDT
To register:

Positioning Equipment for Automated Fiber Optics Device Manufacturing: Practical Ways to Solve Challenging Problems — Aerotech’s RJ Hardt, a mechanical engineer, will show you how to optimize the performance of automated positioning systems in the most difficult fiber optics manufacturing processes.
April 22 at 1 p.m. EDT
To register:

Innovation Along the Value Chain: Creating Optics for Metrology Applications — The metrology experts at Swiss Optics will present the steps to take to create optical systems for metrology applications. Innovative metrology and assembly technologies that can increase yield and quality will be highlighted.
April 29 at 10 a.m. EDT
To register:

Startup Life at Luminate: Advantages of an Optics-Specific Accelerator from the Cohort’s Point of View — Get an inside look at the Luminate accelerator for optics, photonics, and imaging startups through the perspectives of four startup companies in the accelerator’s current cohort. 
April 30 at 1 p.m. EDT
To register:

Raman Spectroscopy: Theory, Practice, and Applications — Hamamatsu consultant and physics educator Slawomir Piatek will review the basic theory behind normal, resonant, and surface-enhanced Raman scattering, discuss required hardware, and give examples of common applications.
May 6 at 1 p.m. EDT
To register:

Hamamatsu Corp. - Environmental Monitoring  MR 3-25

Ellipsometry: What Is It and What Can It Do for You? — Spectroscopic ellipsometry is a nondestructive technique that uses polarized light to probe a sample. Applications engineer Andrew Martin of J.A. Woollam will introduce you to the science behind ellipsometry and the types of information you can extract from the data.
May 13 at 1 p.m. EDT
To register:

Squeezing More Out of Light: Innovative Approaches to Time-Resolved Flow Cytometry — Giacomo Vacca, Ph.D., founder and president of Kinetic River, will discuss recent advances in time-resolved methods of flow cytometry and how these advances are being applied. Vacca will highlight advances that have enabled the measurement of fluorescence lifetime in flow cytometry and some of the applications that this technique enables.
May 19 at 1 p.m. EDT
To register:

Simplifying AI in Machine Vision with IDS NXT Ocean — Senior application engineer Kevin McCabe will introduce you to the world of artificial intelligence (AI) in machine vision. He’ll cover convolutional neural networks and how they are used in machine vision, the key steps to deploying AI into machine vision solutions, and how the IDS NXT ocean platform has simplified these steps for users who are not AI specialists.
May 26 at 1 p.m. EDT
To register:

Ray Optics Simulations — Learn about optical ray tracing using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software from COMSOL developer Stuart Barnes, Ph.D. This presentation will feature a live demo in the software that will show how to create a fully parameterized geometry of a typical lens system, trace rays through the system, and postprocess the results.
June 4 at 2 p.m. EDT
To register:

LED Lighting for Fluorescence Microscopy: A Sustainable Illumination Option — Kavita Aswani, Ph.D., business development manager and senior applications scientist for life sciences products at Excelitas Technologies, will present recent advancements in LED technology that have created an opportunity for LEDs to replace arc lamps for a variety of fluorescence imaging applications.
June 9 at 10 a.m. EDT
To register:

If you have questions or would like to suggest a webinar presenter and/or topic, please contact the Photonics Media web editor. “See” you at a webinar! 

Published: April 2020
flow cytometry
Flow cytometry is a powerful technique used in biology and medicine for the quantitative analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of cells and particles suspended in a fluid. The method allows for the rapid measurement of multiple parameters simultaneously on a cell-by-cell basis. It is widely used in various fields, including immunology, microbiology, hematology, and cancer research. Here are the key components and features of flow cytometry: Sample preparation: Cells or...
Metrology is the science and practice of measurement. It encompasses the theoretical and practical aspects of measurement, including the development of measurement standards, techniques, and instruments, as well as the application of measurement principles in various fields. The primary objectives of metrology are to ensure accuracy, reliability, and consistency in measurements and to establish traceability to recognized standards. Metrology plays a crucial role in science, industry,...
Nanopositioning refers to the precise and controlled movement or manipulation of objects or components at the nanometer scale. This technology enables the positioning of objects with extremely high accuracy and resolution, typically in the range of nanometers or even sub-nanometer levels. Nanopositioning systems are employed in various scientific, industrial, and research applications where ultra-precise positioning is required. Key features and aspects of nanopositioning include: Small...
artificial intelligence
The ability of a machine to perform certain complex functions normally associated with human intelligence, such as judgment, pattern recognition, understanding, learning, planning, and problem solving.
deep learning
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that involves the use of artificial neural networks to model and solve complex problems. The term "deep" in deep learning refers to the use of deep neural networks, which are neural networks with multiple layers (deep architectures). These networks, often called deep neural networks or deep neural architectures, have the ability to automatically learn hierarchical representations of data. Key concepts and components of deep learning include: ...
machine vision
Machine vision, also known as computer vision or computer sight, refers to the technology that enables machines, typically computers, to interpret and understand visual information from the world, much like the human visual system. It involves the development and application of algorithms and systems that allow machines to acquire, process, analyze, and make decisions based on visual data. Key aspects of machine vision include: Image acquisition: Machine vision systems use various...
Research & TechnologyeducationWebinarsremote workAmericasEuropeCoatingsfiber opticsflow cytometryLEDsLight SourcesmetrologyMicroscopyOpticsNanopositioningspectroscopyTest & Measurementartificial intelligencedeep learningneural networksBiophotonicsmachine visionindustrialenvironment

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