Integrated systems provider UTC Aerospace Systems has been awarded a study contract to complete the integration of its MS-177 sensor system into the U.S. Air Force’s Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS). Awarded by Lockheed Martin, the contract will support the Air Force while providing next-generation image processing, command and control, and situational awareness tools for combat operations. UTC is focused on delivering an open-architecture solution to the DCGS’ modernization effort and reducing long-term sustainment costs by utilizing the new agile process for acquisition and delivery of critical capabilities. "This contract is an interdependent effort with our Global Hawk MS-177 program that will provide DCGS operators and analysts with very similar capabilities to those employed by the U2's Senior Year Electro-Optical Reconnaissance System (SYERS) mission operatives," said Kevin Raftery, vice president of UTC. The MS-177 product line is the next-generation in intelligence gathering and imaging technology, with origins in the Air Force’s SYERS system currently flown on the U-2S platform. The sensor features a new wide-area field of view and higher resolution imaging performance. It also provides motion imagery modality that adds on-target persistence throughout the field of regard, providing both combat identification and tracking information of moving targets. These technological advances will contribute to a more detailed and accurate common operating picture for the DCGS. UTC Aerospace Systems designs, manufactures and services integrated systems and components for the aerospace and defense industries.