Toptica to Support Laser Miniaturization Project
Toptica Photonics AG said it will provide semiconductor laser sources and integration services to PIX4life, a pilot line focused on the development of a compact, fully integrated photonics device to replace the bulky and expensive optical systems that currently dominate the life sciences sector.
A photonics integrated circuit. Courtesy of Toptica.
Based on newly developed production technology for CMOS- compatible SiN photonics integrated circuits (PIC), the device will enable advanced biophotonics techniques like optical coherence tomography or multilaser engines on-a-chip for microscopy and cytometry.
Toptica said it will provide the required semiconductor laser sources at 405, 488, 561 and 640 nm, and integrate the optical subcomponents into prototypes for microscopy and cytometry.
PIX4life is funded by the European Union’s Photonics21 program, which has pledged €8.5 million (about $9.6 million) to a consortium of academic and industry partners.
Toptica develops, manufactures, services and distributes technology-leading diode and fiber lasers and laser systems for scientific and industrial applications.