Spectrometers, sensors
The full-color “07 Catalog” from Ocean Optics Inc. specifies a variety of spectrometers and their optical bench options, including the USB4000 plug-and-play types and the Red Tide USB-650, a general-purpose instrument for teaching and research laboratories. The 192-page publication highlights the LIBS2500 laser-induced breakdown spectrometer system as well as optical sensors, including oxygen sensor spectrometers, formulations, probes and accessories. It presents thin films, and optics capabilities and applications; the SpectraSuite spectroscopy operating software and OmniDriver developer platform; sampling accessories, including the FluoroVette microvolume cells and flow cells for flow injection analysis; and fibers and probes, including the Xtreme solarization-resistant assemblies. Charts, diagrams, technology overviews and product selection guides are included.