Solar-Tectic LLC has been awarded a U.S. patent for hybrid organic/inorganic thin-film solar cell growth on inexpensive substrates such as flexible and ordinary soda-lime glass. The patent discloses a unique growth technique that, for the first time, allows low-temperature deposition of exceptionally high-quality polymer/inorganic semiconductor films from a variety of materials such as silicon and germanium on inexpensive substrates. The growth process is designed for smartphone, computer and television displays, as well as large-scale industrial applications using common deposition processes such as e-beam and chemical vapor. The patent is based on technology invented by the late Dr. Praveen Chaudhari, a recipient of the U.S. National Medal of Technology, and covers a range of electronic applications including thin-film solar cells and organic LEDs and organic LETs (light emitting transistors). Solar-Tectic is a thin-film specialist with a primary focus on developing patented technologies for single-crystal or highly-textured semiconductor films on glass or metal tapes.