Snake Creek Lasers Achieves 2 Milestones
Dr. David C. Brown, president and CTO of Snake Creek Lasers, announced that the company has achieved two major milestones in the development of cryogenically cooled solid-state laser technology:
• An Yb:YAG cryogenically cooled oscillator-amplifier has produced >1000 W (1 kW) of near-diffraction-limited output power.
• A mode-locked fiber laser seeded Yb:YAG cryogenically cooled laser with a double-pass preamplifier and a single-pass power amplifier has produced more than 700 W of ultrafast average power. The laser emits at a 50-MHz (5 x 107) repetition rate, with a pulse width of 11 ps (1.1 x 10–11 s), an energy/pulse of >13 mJ and a peak power of >1.1 MW (1.1 x 106 W). The output beam is near-diffraction-limited.
Both laser systems are capable of sustained operation for hours or days and are state-of-the-art compact devices.
Previously announced major milestones reached by the company include the demonstration of a 550-W cryogenically cooled Yb:YAG oscillator with near-diffraction-limited output in 2008 and record efficiencies for a solid-state laser system, a cryogenically cooled Yb:YAG CW oscillator that produces 91.5 percent slope efficiency, 86 percent optical-optical efficiency and 100 percent photon-photon efficiencies, all in 2010.
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