Shimadzu Scientific Instruments opened the Shimadzu Center for Advanced Analytical Chemistry at the University of Texas at Arlington to give researchers at the university access to enhanced capabilities for trace qualitative and quantitative analysis. The center is located in the chemistry and physics building and contains $6 million of chromatography, mass spectrometry and spectroscopy equipment. “This equipment will provide opportunities for faculty and for students in a laboratory that is truly on the cutting edge of analytical possibilities,” said James D. Spaniolo, university president. Shimadzu’s instruments will be used to research illnesses such as cancer and malaria, and to develop nanofabrication materials for industry. In concert with the opening of the center, Kevin Schug was named the Shimadzu Distinguished Professor of Analytical Chemistry. Schug is an associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry and will oversee the new laboratory. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments is the US subsidiary of Shimadzu Corp., which comprises three major divisions: Medical Diagnostics, Aerospace/Industrial and Analytical Instruments. For more information, visit: or