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Single entangled photon creation unlocked

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Ashley N. Paddock, [email protected]

A new technique can produce single photons with specific properties more efficiently and about 1000 times faster than the current methods, an important advance for several research areas, including quantum information processing and quantum network development. Alex Kuzmich, a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and his graduate research assistant Yaroslav Dudin discovered that they could create a Rydberg atom (a highly excited atom that is very near its ionization point) by shining lasers on a dense cloud of rubidium-87 atoms that were laser-cooled and confined to an...Read full article

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    Published: July 2012
    rydberg atom
    The term "Rydberg atom" refers to an atom in a highly excited state where one or more of its electrons are in a Rydberg orbital. A Rydberg atom is characterized by having an electron orbit that is much farther from the nucleus compared to the typical electron orbits in ground state or lower energy states. The concept is named after the Swedish physicist Johannes Rydberg, who made significant contributions to the understanding of atomic spectra and the mathematical relationships governing the...
    AFOSRAir Force Office of Scientific ResearchAlex KuzmichAmericasAtlantaBasic ScienceCommunicationsGeorgiaGeorgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia TechMURINational Science FoundationNSFOpticsphotonsResearch & TechnologyRydberg atomRydberg blockadeTech PulseYaroslav DudinLasers

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