Advancing Automation 3D imaging has already shown demonstrable value in machine vision systems for automation, and the adoption of the technology has begun to accelerate and expand. To ensure the successful application of 3D vision technology in automation, it helps to review some best practices. It is important, for example, to specify the right components, which requires some understanding of the strengths and limitations of available imaging techniques. Landing AI's David Dechow examines these strengths and limitations and how they pertain to 3D imaging for automation in order to help readers prepare for success at the outset of their implementation process. Key Technologies: 2D and 3D cameras, including time-of-flight, structured light (laser illumination, laser profilometry), and stereoscopic cameras. Machine vision lighting, including LEDs, always applies. Image processing PIC Design As photonic integrated circuits (PICs) evolve to support new applications and/or increased component density, PIC designers must strike a balance between the absolute and required performance of their chips. Often that balance is defined by what designs can or cannot be scaled to volume production. Contributing editor James Schlett talks to PIC designers, pilot lines, and fabs to explore the key considerations that determine which designs will succeed. Key Technologies: PIC chip design, pilot production lines, fab houses NIR/SWIR Spectroscopy From MRI scanners and healthcare to produce packing lines to bleeding-edge astronomy, spectroscopy is at the heart of a diverse range of modern industries. SWIR sensing promises interesting new options for spectroscopy, but the comparatively high cost of InGaAs sensors is limiting SWIR's viability for all but the most specialized applications. Quantum dots can be precisely tuned to absorb and emit light in any spectrum, including the SWIR, making it a potentially more cost-effective sensor option. Quantum Science will discuss the practical implications of quantum dot technology for NIR and SWIR spectroscopy system designers, integrators, and end-users, and will outline the new markets and opportunities this technology could introduce. Key Technologies: NIR or SWIR spectrometers, SWIR sensors, particularly quantum dots, thin-film processing, filters Laser Welding Welding has made more progress in the last 50 years than the last 5,000 - due in large part to the emergence of industrial lasers and, more recently, to AI and emerging sensor data that are both enabling real-time control and optimization over the laser welding process. Andreas Thoss provides an overview of these new developments and how they make laser processing even more efficient and precise. Key Technologies: Industrial lasers (esp for welding), laser scanners, OCT imaging See Pricing hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "4478512", formId: "a7c44d89-3d22-4bc6-99af-2a80699d39dd" });