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OCT makes for a better angioplasty balloon

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Charles T. Troy, [email protected]

Coronary angioplasty is performed a million times a year in the US to help patients with clogged arteries relieve angina. A main component of the procedure is a balloon. Now, with the goal of improving balloon deployment, researchers at the Industrial Materials Institute of the National Research Council of Canada and at the Centre for Intelligent Machines at McGill University in Montreal have investigated a technique that combines a deployment tester with an optical coherence tomography system. Their approach holds the potential to greatly improve angioplasty. They reported their...Read full article

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    Published: November 2010
    Acronym for profile resolution obtained by excitation. In its simplest form, probe involves the overlap of two counter-propagating laser pulses of appropriate wavelength, such that one pulse selectively populates a given excited state of the species of interest while the other measures the increase in absorption due to the increase in the degree of excitation.
    anginaangioplastyballoon deploymentBiophotonicsBioScancamerasCanadacatheter OCT probeCentre for Intelligent MachinesCharles T. Troycoronary arteriescross-sectional imagingdeployment tesetergradiant indexGuy LamoucheHP-3070hydraulic pressure testerImagingindustrialIndustrial Materials InstituteInterface Catheter Solutionsintravascular optical coherence tomographyIVOCTlaser measurement systemlaser scan micrometerlensesLMS-100LSM-9506McGill UniversityMitutoyoNational Research CouncilNewsOCToptical coherenct tomographyOpticsPrismsprobesingle-mode fiber

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