An addition to the “Press Monograph” series, the volume Optics Made Clear: The Nature of Light and How We Use It describes in a nontechnical style many of the natural phenomena caused by light, as well as the optical devices that use it. The first chapter describes the basic phenomena of optics, such as waves, rays, photons, and refraction and reflection. The second chapter covers basic optical components and instruments, among them, mirrors, lenses, prisms, cameras, telescopes, interferometers, spectrometers, radiometers, detectors and displays, and microscopes and magnifiers. Natural phenomena found in the environment, such as solar variability, mirages, rainbows and lightning, as well as in the natural world, such as in chameleons, hummingbirds and pit vipers, are described, along with a collection of application areas, including art and agriculture. William L. Wolfe; SPIE Press, Bellingham, Wash., 2007; $46, SPIE members; $56, nonmembers.