Meadowlark Optics - Spatial Light Modulator LB 2025

Mock Mars Mission Tests Camera Design

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TUCSON, Ariz., April 27, 2012 — The viability of a multiple-camera system designed for future NASA space vehicles was subject of a two-week simulated mission to Mars by five engineering students from the University of Arizona. Crew engineer and optical sciences major Sam Martin surveys the red planet-like environment surrounding the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah. (Images: UA College of Engineering) As part of the Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Program at the University of Arizona College of Engineering, students developed the NASA-sponsored remote imaging system acquisition (RISA) for their senior...Read full article

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    Published: April 2012
    AmericasArizonacamera systemcamerasCrew 117educationEducation WavefrontEVAsextravehicular activitiesFiltersgreenhouse monitoringhabImagingInterdisciplinary Engineering Design ProgramKyle StephensMarsMars Desert Research StationMars Societymock Mars missionmultiple camera systemNASANASA space vehicleOpticsremote imaging system acquisitionremote-controlled roverResearch & TechnologyRISArover-based planetary surface explorationsimulated mission to Marssimulated space suitsUniversity of ArizonaUtah

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