OTTAWA, Oct. 3 -- Optical networking solutions provider Meriton Networks today announced the acquisition of Mahi Networks Inc. of Piscataway, N.J.; terms of the deal were not disclosed. The combined company will be known as Meriton Networks. Michael Pascoe, Meriton’s president and CEO, continues in that role, with Bill Gartner, Mahi’s former president and COO, assuming the COO position at Meriton. The acquisition is scheduled to close in 30 days. According to Meriton, uniting the company's high-speed optical networking systems with Mahi’s reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer solutions will give telecom service providers and network operators worldwide end-to-end optical networking platforms. “The growth of triple-play and business Ethernet services has created new dynamics in metro networks,” said Michael Howard, principal analyst at Infonetics Research, a market research and consulting firm specializing in data networking and the telecom industry. “This combination makes sense for Meriton and for their service provider customers, as it delivers a next-gen product portfolio, with end-to-end optical transport from the edge of the network to the core of the optical infrastructure.” For more information, visit: