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Laser Tech to Improve Free Space Communications

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HOBOKEN, N.J., April 13, 2011 — A high-speed communications technology not limited by a physical conductor such as fiber optics has been developed using laser light to transmit data through readily available open space. This optical free space communication could lead to faster Internet for the masses, to supersensitive scanners and could result in a more mobile military. Dr. Rainer Martini's quantum cascade laser at the Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy and Communication Laboratory. (Images: Stevens Institute of Technology) Dr. Rainer Martini, director of the Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy and Communication Laboratory...Read full article

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    Published: April 2011
    AmericasAnderson ChenCommunicationsdefenseDr. Rainer Martinifiber opticslaser lightmid-infrared quantum cascade laserNew Jerseyoptical free space communicationsoptically induced amplitude modulationoptically induced modulation of lasersOpticsResearch & TechnologyStevens Institute of Technologyultrafast laser spectroscopyultrafast lasersLasers

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