A 29 million AUD ($18.5 million) investment into Colorado-based quantum technology company ColdQuanta from the government of the State of Victoria, Australia, via its Breakthrough Victoria Fund, will help to establish an Asia-Pacific quantum computing and technology facility at Swinburne University of Technology. The facility will be called the ColdQuanta-Swinburne Quantum Technology Center. The partnership will serve to connect the Victoria research community with industry and create opportunities for local job development and economic growth. In addition to the technology center, the investment will fund a quantum workforce development initiative to establish an education and training center designed to prepare the future quantum workforce and address the global skills deficiency. The investment also seeks to establish advanced manufacturing capability with the potential local production of glass cells used in the cold atom method supporting the miniaturization of quantum technology as well as an expansion in manufacturing capability for photonics development and miniaturization. According to ColdQuanta CEO Scott Faris, the partnership further expands the company’s global presence and recognizes the technical leadership of its hardware and software products. The partnership and forthcoming technology center add to a year of growth for ColdQuanta that includes the beta launch of its cold atom quantum computer and the acquisition of quantum startup Super.tech.