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Global Fluorescence Map Offers New View Of Plants

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GREENBELT, Md., June 8, 2011 — Groundbreaking maps of land-based plant fluorescence are revealing new information for the first time regarding vegetation spanning the entire globe. To date, most satellite-derived information related to the health of vegetation has come from “greenness” indicators based on reflected rather than fluorescent light, a difficult-to-detect reddish glow that plant leaves emit as a byproduct of photosynthesis. Greenness typically decreases in the wake of droughts, frosts or other events that limit photosynthesis and cause green leaves to die and change color. However, there...Read full article

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    Published: June 2011
    The study and measurement of spectra and their components.
    AmericasCaliforniacarbon cyclechlorophyll fluorescenceElizabeth MiddletonGOSATGreenhouse Gases Observing SatelliteImagingJapanMarylandNASANorthern Hemispherephotosynthesisplant fluorescenceResearch & Technologysatellite imagingSouthern Hemispherespectrometryspectroscopyvegetation mapping

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