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8 suppliers

Atomic Emission Spectrometers

Clear All Filters xAtomic Emission Spectrometers x
CAMECA Instruments Inc. - Madison, WI
HTA srl - Brescia, Italy
Laser-compact Co. Ltd. - Moscow, Russia
LLA Instruments GmbH - Berlin, Germany
PerkinElmer US LLC - Shelton, CT
Resonance Ltd. - Barrie, Canada
Shimadzu Europa GmbH - Duisburg, Germany
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments - Wilmington, MA
  • atomic emission spectrometry Spectrometric analysis of the distinct and characteristic spectra of atoms of elements. The atoms are energized to emit radiant energy, which, when dispersed by a prism or diffraction grating, emerges as a light spectrum characteristic of the...
  • spectrometer A kind of spectrograph in which some form of detector, other than a photographic film, is used to measure the distribution of radiation in a particular wavelength region.
Atomic Emission Spectrometers SuppliersAESchemical analysisatomic emissionhigh-energyexcited atomsspectrometerspectrometersatomic emissionsmetrologyspectrometricspectrometryoptical deviceoptical devicesmeasure wavelengthmeasure wavelengthsmeasuring wavelengthstestmeasurementtest and measurementspectroscopytest & measurement

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