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Fiberstars' HEDlights Get $2.1M from Navy

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SOLON, Ohio, April 4, 2006 -- Fiber optic lighting supplier Fiberstars has received $2.1 million from DARPA to develop and install high-efficiency distributed lighting (HEDlight) systems on three US Navy ships, company CEO John M. Davenport announced. The systems will be installed on a Navy destroyer, an LHS amphibious ship and another ship to be determined. This funding award is the culmination of DARPA's HEDlight program, Fiberstars said. DARPA is the central research and development organization for the US Department of Defense. According to the contract, Fiberstars will install...Read full article

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    Published: April 2006
    ConsumerDARPAdefensedestroyerfiber opticsFiberstarsfluorescentHEDlightlightingNavyNews & FeaturesshipLEDs

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